Normal development timeline (What should I expect and when?)
3 Months
Gross Motor Skills | Fine Motor Skills |
Can lift head and chest when lying on stomach Waves arms above chest and can bring hands together |
Can open and close hands Holds a rattle for a few moments Will reach out at dangling objects with both hands |
6 Months
Gross Motor Skills | Fine Motor Skills |
Sits with support Can roll Can lift head and chest when lying on stomach pushing up on hands Will take some weight on feet when supported Grasps feet when lying on back |
Grasp small toys using whole hand Passes toy from one hand to another |
9 Months
Gross Motor Skills | Fine Motor Skills |
Can sit for 10-15 minutes on the floor Will roll more, wriggle or may attempt to crawl Can pull up to stand holding furniture for support |
They will point with index finger Starts to develop a grasp between index finger and thumb Bangs two objects together |
12 Months
Gross Motor Skills | Fine Motor Skills |
Crawls on hands and knees or shuffles on bottom Walks round furniture stepping sideways May stand alone May walk alone |
Can release objects Can place objects into a large container Able to pick up small objects with a pincer grasp |
18 Months
Gross Motor Skills | Fine Motor Skills |
Walks without holding on to anyone or anything Climbs on and off the sofa Walks upstairs with hands held Picks up a toy from the floor when standing |
Can build a tower of three Will begin to scribble holding a pencil in whole hand Finger feeds and tries to use a spoon Will assist with undressing |
2 Years
Gross Motor Skills | Fine Motor Skills |
Runs and is able to stop and start Walks up and down stairs with 2 feet to a step Attempting to jump Sits on trike and pushes along with feet on floor Can kick a ball |
Now uses a preferred hand Can build a tower of six blocks Eats with a spoon Circular scribbles and copies vertical lines Able to turn the pages of the book Can remove unfastened coat |